If your spouse got sick or died today, how difficult would it be for you to track down important documents? Could you pull up your spouse’s bank accounts, bills, insurance policies and tax documents?
Living in a paperless society makes things even more complicated. With digital records, there’s no paperwork to help you find accounts you may not know exist. Do you have access to the critical information saved on your spouse’s phone or computer?
If you want to get a handle on your family’s information, use these checklists to start compiling and organizing your many passwords, documents and contacts.
Consider using a digital password manager to keep track of your confidential information.
✔ Bank and investment accounts.
✔ Bills on autopay (cellphone charges, streaming services, utilities, etc.).
✔ Cellphones, computers and tablets.
✔ Social media accounts.
Organize your important documents in a secure, central location. Store originals in an off-site safe deposit box.
✔ Appliance manuals and warranty documents.
✔ Birth certificates.
✔ Insurance policies.
✔ Marriage certificate.
✔ Passports.
✔ Power(s) of attorney.
✔ Social Security cards.
✔ Tax documents.
✔ Vehicle titles.
✔ Will.
Compile a list of emergency/important contacts.
✔ Attorney.
✔ Child care providers.
✔ HVAC technician.
✔ Insurance providers.
✔ Financial representatives/investment advisers.
✔ Physicians.
✔ Plumber.
✔ Veterinarian.
Does your family know your final wishes?
If you don’t plan now for the steps to be taken after your death, someone else will have to do it for you.
The Final Wishes Resources member benefit helps you get your “house” in order and share your late-in-life/end-of-life wishes … or help a loved one with this important task. These guides help members plan, organize and start conversations.
No matter what stage of life you’re in – young, old and everything in between – the Final Wishes Resources can help. Learn more on the member website.
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Whole life insurance
Whole life insurance helps protect your loved ones, providing tax-free money when you die, not just if you die during a specified time period. You can get peace of mind, knowing that your family is protected, and you can take advantage of cash value and other living benefits to help you plan ahead – no matter what life brings.