Nicole's story
What’s it like, living in the Garden of Eden? Just ask full-time resident Nicole Moore.
Nicole, her husband, Jonathan, and their three daughters moved to Eden Gardens a year and a half ago. A 120-acre community farm in Jacksonville, Florida, Eden Gardens is a large-scale science project seeking to solve a familiar but complex problem: hunger.
The Moores, along with the farm’s 10 other permanent residents, devote their days to developing simple, innovative farming methods they can take to communities locally and all around the world. And with the backing of Global Development (GloDev), their parent organization, Eden Gardens Eco-Farm is making it happen. They’re breaking new ground and growing a greener future for people in need.
Here are six life lessons from Nicole – a modern pioneer who isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty
1. Anyone can learn to grow things
Seriously – I went from having a black thumb to being a crazy plant lady! It was 2020, the world was going crazy with COVID, and I thought, I want to grow my own food. So we did it – we planted a little garden in our backyard. Gardening is a learned skill; you just have to invest the time.
2. Embrace the unexpected
Our pastor – who knew I was a crazy plant lady – introduced us to Tim, the CEO of GloDev. We fell in love with his vision and started volunteering. When he invited us to move to Eden Gardens and work for GloDev full time, it was a leap of faith. A new way of life. Before that, I was a stay-at-home mom, and I cleaned and managed Airbnb properties. My husband was a tugboat engineer.
3. Teach a man to fish, and he eats for a lifetime
This is our guiding philosophy. We’re learning different ways to grow food, so we can, in turn, teach others. It’s a model that can be used here in the U.S. and in developing countries. When you teach people how to do it themselves, you can make real change that lasts.
4. Plants are like people – they need communities, too
We had two citrus orchards: one all by itself, and the other planted within our “food forest,” surrounded by banana trees, papaya trees and all kinds of native plants. When the freeze came, only the second orchard survived. Every living thing needs the protection of community.
5. Kids need to run wild a bit
Our girls are 11, 9 and 7, and they love it here. Our 9-year-old is really hands-on in the garden, and our youngest just likes to play in the dirt! Anytime there’s a dirt pile, they’re in it … all three of them.
6. Moms need life insurance, too
I was a stay-at-home mom, and I realized that if anything happened to me, my family would be left in a pinch. Jonathan and I wanted that protection and safety net. Life insurance is so important for every parent – including those who don’t work outside the home.
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